Our Happy Clients

Doug New
Infin8 One, UK
Before my coaching sessions, I was stuck giving away all my talent for free and struggling to make a living. Having a conversation with Denise about what coaching could do for me lead me to book the coaching package with her. The sessions were liberating, exciting and downright awesome! I gained an understanding of the limitless potential at my fingertips. As a result, I achieved an initial £12,500 income which was not there before and much more significant sums in the pipeline. I now feel more confident tackling bigger projects. This confidence is snowballing in a most profound way, enabling me to be so much more in control of my life. I would recommend this coaching package in a heartbeat. The return on investment of time and money is exponential. Speak with me personally and I will assure you of the powerful resource you tap into in securing coaching with Denise. It has been a pleasure and privilege to work with her."

Leo KM
Business owner, UK
I loved being self-employed running my own business, the freedom and flexibility. Things began to slow to the extent that the other half kept suggesting I get a J.O.B. This filled me with dread! I heard about Denise’s Connecting Circles Method and thought I would give it a shot. I came away from the first session feeling as if something had shifted but I couldn’t put my figure on it. Then it happened I began to feel a huge sense of confidence and knowing of who I was and what I was capable of. Then BAM! My biggest deal ever. It just keeps flowing in. I am contented. Happy days!

Sian Morgan
Psychologist, Wales
Before my (breakthrough) sessions with Denise I thought I had got to the root of everything which was holding me back & that maybe she could help me with some practical action steps to move me forward. But she totally blew me away. She got right to a huge obstacle which I hadn't been able to see fully & which was really stopping me from shining.
After that I was able to come from a completely different place in approaching my business & it was so freeing! Denise is the perfect blend of being extremely professional but extremely intuitive & she can use both to create an amazing space for transformation.
If you are hesitating to contact her, don't! She will carefully & skilfully move you forward in exactly the right way for you at this moment & champion your success. I can't recommend her highly enough.'
Sian Morgan
Internationally Published Author & Psychologist, Wales

Stephanie C
NLP Practitioner, London
I was aware of my power and talent but I felt as if this force was kept closed inside me and I could not find the way to open the right door. What drew me to having coaching with you was the instant connection and sense of trust you inspired in me. It was wonderful! I felt totally safe, unconditionally accepted and it felt like you were drawing energy out of me. You definitely gave me a higher level of clarity about myself and my life. The connecting circles sessions helped me to connect everything and it all made sense. You helped me to open those doors that were holding my talent and expanded my world in terms of future possibilities and strategies to realize my dream life. I have just completed the first draft of my book and it took me only 30 days. I did not know it was possible before meeting you. Thank you. I will highly recommend you to others.

London, UK
I was sent to London from abroad at 16 years old to complete my A-Levels. I lived on my own and was severely depressed. I did not know how to take care of myself and had very unhealthy habits. Moreover, I was surrounded by very negative and unkind people and had no real sense of identity. I was unmotivated, had no goals and was just completing the courses that my strict uncaring parents had set for me. When I met Denise a few months later, she helped me turn my life around. And helped turn a sad, nervous and apathetic girl into a confident, ambitious and most importantly, happy young woman. Denise guided me through the most difficult transition I have ever faced, she taught me how to cope with crippling anxiety and negative thoughts and she helped me search for my passions. Whether my difficulties were emotional, financial or regarding relationships and goals she would always help me tackle the problems head on and find solutions. She is a light of positivity without being unrealistic and most importantly she always goes above and beyond. Her help never stopped at the end of our sessions, she was always there to guide me, and I owe her everything for that. I am now 19 years old, only surrounded by kind and positive people. I’ve received offers from top universities of my choice and am motivated in pursuing a career that I am incredibly passionate about. I look forward to my education everyday whereas before I was miserable. I used to often dream of the things I wanted, and quickly buried them and told myself not to be ridiculous. Denise helped me turn those dreams into my reality and showed me there is no ridiculous. I am forever grateful for her!

Lorna Niles
London, UK
Lorna Niles is a spiritual teacher with over 40 years of teaching and counselling around the world. She has coupled a lifetime of public health experience and nursing with her own personal and spiritual development to serve communities better. She is affectionately called Soul Doctor Lorna because of the way she dives deep into souls of others to catalyse healing. Before I met Denise, I felt I was not doing enough of my spiritual work. I knew there were more people I could reach and serve but I did not know how to pull together the various aspect of my teaching to serve in better in the modern world. Denise is known for a style and approach that digs deep into her clients, and I specifically wanted someone like her, with a gift for probing and pulling out the best in me. Using her unique method Connecting Circles, Denise was able to help me map, organise and bring out things about me that were long buried and forgotten and gave me an opportunity to watch myself evolve over the years. Denise’s method contained seven different aspects of me and my life. She helped me to uncover some of those hidden elements and supported me through the process while helping me to understand how all of these areas work together in a holistic way. Since working with Denise, I have been able to complete my book and create a set of courses in record time and with ease. I feel more motivated than ever to serve more people I have reconnected with my spiritual work in a way I have not experience for almost 40 years. I now have a clear sense of direction with regard to my service. I have no doubt that Denise would be able to help other people of all persuasions to realise their higher potential of their journey of transformation.

Miss GF
Before doing my coaching sessions with Denise I kept facing many problems in my life. I did not feel in control, I felt episodes of frustration and sadness... My work, my love life, my free time: all needed improvements. It seemed I wasn’t exactly living the life I wanted and felt unhappy. Word of mouth, one dear friend recommended her to me. I also talked to Denise and felt a good connection with her straight away. It was great, we had very intense and constructive sessions. It involved a lot of my energy as you dig deep down into your beliefs and emotions to get to know yourself well. That can take time and can be scary but Denise makes it feel fun and exciting! The sessions helped me gain a tremendous self-awareness I would not have gained otherwise, face my deepest fears and take action. Denise helps you get to know the limiting beliefs you have about yourself, those that actually jeopardize your success and happiness! I felt our sessions were extremely empowering as she gave me the key to unlock those limiting beliefs and actually focus on a better, happier life… It has been an amazing journey… She has helped me see life from a different angle and make the most of it. Before, I only focused on problems and guess what? I faced many problems in my life. Now, new solutions come up every day and I see a steady progress. I feel much happier, more confident, tremendously more fulfilled and much closer to my dream life now than when I started my sessions with Denise! I absolutely strongly recommend Denise as a coach to anyone interested in their personal growth!

Kathryn MacKellar
Hampshire UK
“I have had the honour and privilege of working with Denise, she is empathetic, understanding, encouraging and supportive. She has great tools and knowledge to impart and has been such a leading light in my life since I have known her. Whenever I am stuck I know I can get the help, support answers and encouragement from her on the lessons, understanding that I am lacking to help me move forward and get what I want. She lifts me when I am down or stuck and encourages me all the way with great ideas so that I am even better than I thought I was. Denise has great integrity and I know I can totally trust her will all my s..t and emotions. I have the greatest respect for her and can only say how lucky I am to have found her. Thank you Denise for everything and being the wonderful you that you are, your understanding, help, support and encouragement has made such a difference in my life. I do not really have the words but bless you. Love and most respectfully.

Nicola Trett
Hampshire, UK
Over the past year, I feel truly grateful for the help and coaching I have received from Denise. She has a wonderful way of listening with empathy, and understands exactly the essence of any problems and issues. When I have been stuck she has guided me through my comfort zones and always respected my values at the same time. I love the fact that she thinks creatively and always sees the bigger picture whilst at the same time has a knowing of the root problem. Denise has a wealth of knowledge and experience and speaks from the heart. I always come off the phone buzzing with motivation and self-belief. Thank you Denise, I look forward to speaking with you again this coming year!

Diane H
London, UK
I can't thank you enough. You really helped me to change my life. I was so unhappy and I didn't believe what I wanted was possible. You showed me how, made me believe and it happened. Thank you sooo much.

Robbin K
London & USA
I always feel so much lighter after each session. Anything seems possible. Thank you so much for reminding me who I am and my superpowers 😊 Robbin K, London

Business owner
London, UK
London, UK
Everything seemed to be falling apart, my personal relationships, my family relationships, my business income was dropping so low that I considered closing it down. Feeling like a complete failure. Sleepless nights were the norm so I was no longer functioning as I should. It started to become noticeable to others, I was snappy, to be honest not very friendly, and my health started to take the toll. I had to do something. Then there she was. There was something about her. Her calmness, elegance and confidence. When she spoke, I felt safe, heard and understood I knew I had to work with her. At the time I had no knowledge of her work with others. OMG what a fantastic transformational journey. Astonishingly, (me doing the work of course) absolutely everything turned around for me. My relationships got better, my business had record months, I felt so much happier. I was actually proud of my accomplishments which I had never acknowledged before. If someone had told me 4 months ago that I would be in this happy and prosperous place I would never have believed it. Incredible I feel so blessed and grateful to Denise’s coaching and her Connecting Circles.

Dr Zdeslav Hrepic
Physics Lecturer, USA
“I would not have anticipated in a million years that one coaching session can make such a profound shift as yours did today for me. Life changing.”

Business owner, Hampshire, UK
“I went to see Denise in March 2013, her Connecting Circles work sounded intriguing and I was curious how it could help me and my business. The Circles worked well, helping me determine where I wanted my business to go. Denise was excellent in knowing what questions to ask and when to help me step outside my comfort zone. She helped me to think about my business at a completely different level. But that wasn’t all. I had been having problems with anxiety and it was interfering with my work. Denise worked with me to release it – and it stopped. For me it seemed like a miracle. I cannot recommend her highly enough. Thank you.”

Jeanet Annoff
I realized I have been sitting on a goldmine of knowledge, experience and teachings..... We were really dragging our feet through the swamps of our subconscious in our sessions, I mean, really getting wet with sweat and tears to a point where I thought 'I thought I was 'OVER' this stuff'....(sound familiar?) Then afterwards it was like a light bulb of a 1000W went on.... Jeanet Annoff, Holland

Marty Warner
Business owner
Arizona, USA
Arizona, USA
Denise is a masterful NLP practitioner and an intuitive coach who asks penetrating questions while creating a "safe" environment for going deep. She used both skills in insightful coaching sessions, the most memorable was when she helped me overcome a several-year fear of cold-calling prospects. I've had the pleasure of working with Denise for several months and I'm always the better for our sessions. Thank you Denise; I look forward to continuing our connection.

Sian Morgan
Psychologist, Wales
“I didn’t have one book in me. I had three and Denise helped me to unleash them all!”

Mer-ka-ba, Surrey UK
When we set up the appointment there were no “issues” I wanted to address - nothing was worrying me particularly but there was a pretty big breakdown in communications between me and my stepdaughter to be in the week I came to see you. As I reflect back, I was very angry and frustrated and felt pretty justified in taking a “hardline” approach. You were recommended from a friend and a gut feeling! I also believe very strongly in the power of sacred geometry and tapping into higher consciousness so I was intrigued and curious. I know that only increased self-awareness and wisdom can come from opening oneself up to opportunities such as these! I loved the Connecting Circles session, the work with circles and colours very quickly became totally captivating and very unconscious – which revealed so much about my thoughts, emotions and as a result my actions that I was not aware of. Working with this information was very powerful – the focus on what lies behind it revealed a deep fear, which I can see was a block to me progressing in most things in life. The integration was enlightening and very empowering. I loved the way it let me incorporate an aspect of myself I was resisting and which was holding me back from stepping forward with my purpose! Although I thought I was being very fair in my communications our work in the session made clear that I was bringing a hostile energy and resisting allowing the troubled relationship I was having. I think the crux came when we identified my blocks around the word “persecution” - this lies at the heart of so much for me. I realise I was feeling “persecuted” and so my instinct was to get defensive. Following our work together I focussed on letting go of my anger and offering an olive branch in my troubled relationship. At first it was very difficult but as soon as I did it all the anger vanished and the response I received was very positive. All anger and hostility evaporated. It was also amazing to see the impact this had on others around us too – not so much consciously, but there seemed to be a greater ease in all wider family communications too. The integration part of the process was a most powerful tool to bring this about. I also found courage to move forward towards fulfilling my purpose. I always knew what it was but fear was holding me back. With the aspect of myself that I was fearing integrated, I felt no more internal resistance and am now working on a strategy to move me towards living as my authentic self. I would happily recommend you. Natalie, Mer-ka-ba UK

Colette Pienaar
Surrey, UK
“A year ago Denise offered to spend some time talking through my business objectives to see if she could help me to develop it. I thought I would take her up on her offer. The results of our meeting were inspirational and instrumental in building my confidence to take my business to the next level. Denise worked closely with me for six months where we shared ideas and inspiration. My business has grown from strength to strength since then as I have put into practise many of the ideas we explored at the time. I am grateful to Denise for showing me that there is nothing standing in the way of business development except for our own limitations. Thank you for your encouragement, wisdom and friendship!

Richard W
London, UK
“Before my coaching sessions with Denise my life was rudderless, mentally, emotionally and physically I was very out of shape. I was sleeping a lot, taking painkillers for my sciatica and relatively no exercise. My knowledge of the law of attraction was good but I lacked a major belief in myself. During my 12 months of coaching my life has changed dramatically, mentally, physically, and emotionally. I feel and lot better. My back pains have completely gone due to Denise teaching me how to heal my body. I am exercising daily and slowly building a new network of friends. And more excitingly I am manifesting my desires more frequently and learning to express a lot of gratitude which I have achieved through the tools and techniques I had learnt. I am now living my life with no fear. Knowing that I have the tools to deal with whatever comes my way. I also look within for answers rather than everywhere else as I know the art of creation lies within me. Speaking of creation and manifestation due to my increased growth in confidence I am now almost completed writing my life hack book which includes my experiences in life using the law of attraction, healing techniques, solutions to problems and the techniques to conquer them which I have learnt on my journey with my coaching. These days life is a lot of fun and a blessing. Every day I look forward to what might come my way and am continually looking forward to what will manifest in my life but at the same time being happy with what I have. Finally, being able to take a deep breath and know for sure that everything is going to be fine, actually better than fine. For the first time ever there is a genuine excitement about my future like becoming an author and taking my life to new heights and new places. All of this has been achieved by working on my mind with guidance and more importantly being happy about who I am which up until now I have never been. In a nutshell thanks to Denise and her teachings and patience with me my future is so bright. Denise has helped me to raise my vibration to a level where my desires and dreams are in touching distance. She’s also changed the language I use to more positive rather than negative. Working with Denise has and continues to be an enjoyable, exciting experience. She is always the motivator. If you are serious about changing your life and living a more fulfilling successful life Denise will give that to you. Thank you, so much ***** 5 gold stars”

Jenice Revers
London, UK
“ Thank you for helping me finish my book Damn It I am Worth It and helping me to build a course around it. I am excited about sharing the course, empowering and coaching women.

Tom Evans
Author, Surrey, UK
“From time to time, we should stop and assess all that we take for granted. Over our lives we amass much wisdom, many connections and riches you can’t deposit in a conventional bank. Denise’s process is both elegant and mind expanding. So stop going a-round in circles, book yourself in for Connecting Circle session with Denise.” – Tom Evans, author of Flavours of Thought , UK

Jackie Roberts
Coach, Scotland
“Connecting Circles .. I hadn’t realised just how important they were for me until I worked with Denise. Circles, cycles, joining, leading, ending, starting, completing and continuing. With such a unique insight and twist, Denise lead me effortlessly through her process, round my circles and I found myself going straight, at last!”

Loran Northey
Coach, UK
I didn’t realize I was going in circles until I had a connecting circles session with Denise, I thought I was moving linearly forward! The calm and carefully designed circles session allowed patterns, thoughts & ideas to emerge and then connect in a totally unexpected way – creating for me a whole new clarity and clear way forward – thanks alot! ‘ 🙂

Coach, UK