Nutritional Therapy 

The basis of our Nutritional Therapy services is to identify possible nutrient deficiencies and to build a personalised plan, tailored for you. I believe in building health by giving the body the correct foods and nutrients it requires.

Your body is a complex, interconnected system, and optimal health can only be achieved when all parts are in harmony.


Our Nutritional Therapy services are designed to support your entire being, offering more than just dietary advice. We combine the latest nutritional science with holistic practices, addressing your physical health, emotional wellbeing, and lifestyle.


“Everyone has a different biochemistry, genetic makeup and nutrient needs, so what works for you, may not work for someone else”. 


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We are all stars here to Shine

I work with science-based questionnaires and advanced tools to pinpoint the unique needs of each individual and to build a personalised program that works to:-

Identify any nutritional deficiencies
Improvement of health symptoms
Optimise good health
Assess your general health and take into account your unique dietary needs and design a personalised nutritional plan.

Some of the benefits:-

  • Correct nutrient deficiencies
  • Alleviate health symptoms
  • Correct nutrient deficiencies
  • Alleviate health symptoms
  • Encouraged to follow a varied diet & healthy lifestyle
  • Check on food intake through questions and dietary journals
  • Monitor symptom & health improvements
  • Adjust an eating plan where necessary
  • Informed about the benefits of proper nutrition and self-care
  • Balanced intake of nutrients and hydration
  • Better self-care
  • Symptom and health improvements
  • Encouragement to follow a varied diet and healthy lifestyle
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Nutritional Therapy

I am curious about how the mind works and the effect of energy on our mind and bodies. Whilst on my journey I have been blessed with incredibly good health and have always been drawn to healthy food. 


I noticed how sluggish I felt when I was not eating for my optimal health. Not just physically sluggish but mentally too.


This led me to qualify as a Nutritional Therapist to really understand what who happening. My mission is to help others like me understand themselves, heal and connect with their inner-mind so that they can successfully unleash the dormant potential within.

6 Week Coaching 1:1 or Group coaching or Online courses
Contact to book an initial free 45 minute consultation below. 
On confirmation of booking you will be sent a health questionnaire which is a comprehensive review of your health symptoms and lifestyle goals.
...Every day I look forward to what might come my way and am continually looking forward to what will manifest in my life but at the same time being happy with what I have. Finally, being able to take a deep breath and know for sure that everything is going to be fine, actually better than fine. For the first time ever there is a genuine excitement about my future like becoming an author and taking my life to new heights and new places. All of this has been achieved by working on my mind with guidance and more importantly being happy about who I am which up until now I have never been. In a nutshell thanks to Denise and her teachings and patience with me my future is so bright. Denise has helped me to raise my vibration to a level where my desires and dreams are in touching distance...
Richard, London